德国哥特摇滚乐队Mono Inc2004-2023年发行专辑、现场辑、EP、单曲合集[无损FLAC/16.50GB]百度云盘打包下载
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    Mono Inc
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当前位置:首页影视音乐德国哥特摇滚乐队Mono Inc2004-2023年发行专辑、现场辑、EP、单曲合集[无损FLAC/16.50GB]百度云盘打包下载

德国哥特摇滚乐队Mono Inc2004-2023年发行专辑、现场辑、EP、单曲合集[无损FLAC/16.50GB]百度云盘打包下载


  • 音乐专辑:Mono Inc歌曲合集
  • 演唱艺人:Mono Inc
  • 来自地区:德国
  • 音乐风格:哥特摇滚、哥特金属、工业
  • 音乐语言:德语、英语
  • 发行时间:2004-2023
  • 歌曲格式:无损FLAC
  • 文件大小:16.50GB

德国哥特摇滚乐队Mono Inc2004-2023年发行专辑、现场辑、EP、单曲合集[无损FLAC/16.50GB]百度云盘打包下载

本资源为德国哥特摇滚乐队Mono Inc2004-2023年发行专辑、现场辑、EP、单曲合集[无损FLAC/16.50GB]百度云盘打包下载,所有专辑作压缩包处理,需要全部下载后解压欣赏。

Mono Inc. 是一支来自德国汉堡的哥特摇滚、哥特金属及工业乐队,成立于2000年。乐队名称“MONO”来源于19世纪精神病学术语“单狂症”(Monomania),意思是“部分疯狂的公司”,缩写为Mono Inc.。


Mono Inc. 由Miky Mono(主唱和贝斯手)、Carl Fornia(吉他手)、Chad Hauger(牛铃手)和Martin Engler(鼓手)于2000年组建。2003年,贝斯手Manuel Antoni加入乐队,并同时发布了首张自主发行的专辑《Head Under Water》。2004年,乐队签约NoCut Entertainment,并重新发行了这张专辑,新版本推出了两支单曲《Burn Me》和《Superman》。


在制作第二张专辑《Temple Of The Torn》时,乐队经历了人员变动,Miky Mono被Martin Engler替代成为主唱,Katha Mia接任鼓手职位。专辑于2007年发行。2008年,乐队发布了第三张专辑《Pain, Love & Poetry》,这张专辑包含三首重新录制的《Head Under Water》歌曲,以及与Xandria乐队的Lisa Middelhauve合作的单曲《Teach Me to Love》。2009年,Mono Inc. 发布了第四张专辑《Voices Of Doom》。


2009年,乐队与Subway to Sally和ASP一同在德国、奥地利和瑞士进行了超过四十场的巡演,并在2010年开始了“Voices Of Doom Tour”巡演。同年10月,前任主唱Miky Mono在一次滑翔伞事故中不幸去世。2011年3月18日,乐队发布了第五张专辑《Viva Hades》,随后进行了一系列包括奥地利和瑞士在内的巡演,并在M’era Luna等音乐节上演出。


2012年8月,乐队更换了唱片公司,签约SPV / Rookies & Kings,并发布了第六张专辑《After The War》,开始了“After the War Tour”。2013年8月9日,乐队发布了第七张专辑《Nimmermehr》,该专辑首周便登上德国官方排行榜第三位。2014年8月,乐队发布了首张精选集《The Clock Ticks On 2004-2014》,包括一张16首精选曲目和一张16首原声重录曲目的双碟专辑。


2015年5月,乐队发布了第八张专辑《Terlingua》,推出了五支单曲,并展开了“Terlingua Tour”巡演。2017年1月,Mono Inc. 发布了第九张专辑《Together Till The End》,随后发布了第二张精选集《Symphonies of Pain》,这张专辑比《The Clock Ticks On》更加全面。2018年7月,乐队发布了第十张专辑《Welcome to Hell》,2020年1月推出了第十一张专辑《The Book of Fire》,该专辑一经发布便登上音乐排行榜首位。为庆祝这一成就,2021年乐队推出了《The Book of Fire (Platinum Edition)》,并展开了大规模的国际巡演。

Mono Inc. 在哥特摇滚与金属乐界的传奇旅程持续至今,从地下音乐到主流舞台,他们始终坚持创新与突破。通过不断地推出新作品和进行全球巡演,Mono Inc. 不仅巩固了其在音乐界的地位,更赢得了全球乐迷的心。未来,Mono Inc. 将继续用他们独特的音乐风格和无尽的创作激情,书写更多辉煌的篇章。

德国哥特摇滚乐队Mono Inc2004-2023年发行专辑、现场辑、EP、单曲合集[无损FLAC/16.50GB]百度云盘打包下载



2004 – Head Under Water

  • 01. Burn Me
  • 02. The Last Waltz
  • 03. The Hole
  • 04. Superman
  • 05. Pain Machine
  • 06. Euthanasia
  • 07. My Sorrow
  • 08. Flies
  • 09. Grown
  • 10. Looking Bach
  • 11. Saving You
  • 12. Not Like Me

2007 – Temple Of The Torn

  • 01. Temple Of The Torn
  • 02. Won’t Forget This Day
  • 03. The Condemned
  • 04. Two Sinners
  • 05. In My Heart
  • 06. Just Because I Love You
  • 07. My Sick Mind TV
  • 08. Avalon
  • 09. Somberland
  • 10. Saving Grace
  • 11. The Torn Reprise

2008 – Pain, Love & Poetry

  • 01. Pain, Love & Poetry
  • 02. This Is The Day
  • 03. The Last Waltz (Album Version)
  • 04. Teach Me To Love (Album Version)
  • 05. Sleeping My Day Away
  • 06. Bloodmoon
  • 07. Get Some Sleep
  • 08. Planet Shame
  • 09. Life Hates You
  • 10. Somewhere Else Than Here
  • 11. Burn Me (Album Version)
  • 12. Pain Machine (Piano version)
  • 13. Get Some Sleep (Exclusive Version) [bonus track]

2009 – Voices Of Doom

  • 01. Voices Of Doom
  • 02. Gothic Queen
  • 03. Pain
  • 04. If I Fail
  • 05. Forgiven
  • 06. Flatline
  • 07. Rest In Grace
  • 08. Trail Of Thorns
  • 09. My Dear Recipe
  • 10. Torture Me
  • 11. Time To Go

2011 – Viva Hades

  • 01. Admiration Hill
  • 02. Symphony Of Pain
  • 03. A love That Never Dies
  • 04. Viva Hades
  • 05. Potter’s Field
  • 06. C’est La Vie
  • 07. Revenge
  • 08. When All My Cards Are Played
  • 09. The Best Of You
  • 10. Never Say Die
  • 11. Reminiscence

2012 – After The War

  • 01. My Worst Enemy
  • 02. No More Fear
  • 03. After The War
  • 04. Wave No Flag
  • 05. Arabia
  • 06. In The End
  • 07. From The Ashes
  • 08. Grown
  • 09. My Songs Wear Black
  • 10. Forever
  • 11. The Long Way Home

2013 – Nimmermehr [2CD Deluxe Edition]


  • 01 – Heile, Heile Segen
  • 02 – Seligkeit
  • 03 – My Deal With God
  • 04 – Kein Weg Zu Weit
  • 05 – Euthanasia
  • 06 – Alles Was Bleibt
  • 07 – The Clock Ticks On
  • 08 – A Better Way To Die
  • 09 – Herzschlag
  • 10 – Days Like This
  • 11 – Ich Teile Dich Nicht
  • 12 – Nimmermehr


  • 01 – The Passenger
  • 02 – Don_T Let It Go Wrong
  • 03 – I Feel You
  • 04 – Kein Weg Zu Weit (Intl)
  • 05 – One Time In Your Life
  • 06 – The Best Of You (Unplugged)

2013 – Pain, Love & Poetry (Collector’s Cut)

  • 01 – Pain, Love & Poetry
  • 02 – This Is the Day
  • 03 – The Last Waltz
  • 04 – Teach Me to Love
  • 05 – Sleeping My Day Away
  • 06 – Bloodmoon
  • 07 – Get Some Sleep
  • 08 – Planet Shame
  • 09 – Life Hates You
  • 10 – Somewhere Else Than Here
  • 11 – Burn Me
  • 12 – Pain Machine (Piano Version)
  • 13 – Get Some Sleep (Exclusive Version)
  • 14 – Teach Me to Love (Single Edit)
  • 15 – The Last Waltz (Vientiane Remix)
  • 16 – Get Some Sleep (Original Demo)
  • 17 – Life Hates You (Original Demo)
  • 18 – Paranoid (Demo)
  • 19 – I Don’t Mind (Demo)

2013 – Temple Of The Torn (Collector’s Cut)

  • 01. Temple of the Torn
  • 02. Won’t Forget This Day
  • 03. The Condemned
  • 04. Two Sinners
  • 05. In My Heart
  • 06. Just Because I Love You
  • 07. My Sick Mind TV
  • 08. Avalon
  • 09. Somberland
  • 10. Saving Grace
  • 11. The Torn Reprise
  • 12. In My Heart (Unplugged Live)
  • 13. The Last Waltz (Unplugged Live)
  • 14. My Sick Mind TV (Unplugged Live)
  • 15. Somberland (Angkor Remix)
  • 16. Saving Grace (Original Demo)
  • 17. In My Heart (Original Demo)

2013 – Voices Of Doom (Collector’s Cut)

  • 01. Voices of Doom
  • 02. Gothic Queen
  • 03. Pain
  • 04. If I Fail
  • 05. Forgiven
  • 06. Flatline
  • 07. Rest in Grace
  • 08. Trail of Thorns
  • 09. My Dear Recipe
  • 10. Torture Me
  • 11. Time to Go
  • 12. Forgiven (Live)
  • 13. Voices of Doom (Live)
  • 14. Pain (Rimshot Remix)
  • 15. Torture Me (Original Demo)
  • 16. Forgiven (Original Demo)

2014 – The Clock Ticks On 2004 – 2014 [2CD]

CD1 – The Clock Ticks On

  • 01. Arabia
  • 02. Gothic Queen
  • 03. Symphony Of Pain
  • 04. In My Heart
  • 05. Voices Of Doom
  • 06. Seligkeit
  • 07. Get Some Sleep
  • 08. Temple Of The Torn
  • 09. My Deal With God
  • 10. This Is The Day
  • 11. After The War
  • 12. Nimmermehr
  • 13. Revenge
  • 14. From The Ashes
  • 15. The Hole
  • 16. Superman

CD2 – Alive & Acoustic

  • 01. Arabia (Alive & Acoustic)
  • 02. The Best Of You (Alive & Acoustic)
  • 03. Somberland (Alive & Acoustic)
  • 04. In My Heart (Alive & Acoustic)
  • 05. Voices Of Doom (Alive & Acoustic)
  • 06. Seligkeit (Alive & Acoustic)
  • 07. Symphony Of Pain (Alive & Acoustic)
  • 08. Get Some Sleep (Alive & Acoustic)
  • 09. Potter’s Field (Alive & Acoustic)
  • 10. Temple Of The Torn (Alive & Acoustic)
  • 11. Revenge (Alive & Acoustic)
  • 12. Twice In Life (Alive & Acoustic)
  • 13. After The War (Alive & Acoustic)
  • 14. This Is The Day (Alive & Acoustic)
  • 15. Gothic Queen (Alive & Acoustic)
  • 16. My Deal With God (Alive & Acoustic)

2015 – Terlingua [2CD Deluxe Edition]


  • 01. Mondschein
  • 02. Never-Ending Love Song
  • 03. Heiland
  • 04. It Never Rains
  • 05. Tag X
  • 06. 118
  • 07. Die Noten Deines Lebens
  • 08. Still
  • 09. An Klaren Tagen
  • 10. Emory Peak
  • 11. Love Lies
  • 12. Terlingua
  • 13. Study Butte
  • 14. For All We Have To Suffer (Bonus Track)


  • 01. Radio Mono
  • 02. Ghostriders In The Sky
  • 03. Tag X (Acoustic Version)
  • 04. Heiland (Die Krupps remix)

2017 – Symphonies Of Pain – Hits And Rarities [2CD]

CD1 – Hits

  • 01. Voices Of Doom
  • 02. Children Of The Dark
  • 03. Heile, Heile Segen
  • 04. In The End
  • 05. Symphony Of Pain
  • 06. Boatman (feat. Ronan Harris)
  • 07. Arabia
  • 08. Potter’s Field
  • 09. Forgiven
  • 10. Wave No Flag
  • 11. My Sick Mind TV
  • 12. Teach Me To Love
  • 13. Euthanasia
  • 14. Get Some Sleep
  • 15. Viva Hades
  • 16. Never Ending Love Song
  • 17. Time To Go

CD2 – Rarities

  • 01. Ghostship
  • 02. Cemetary Of Hearts
  • 03. Beggars And Kings
  • 04. So Long Farewell
  • 05. For All We Have To Suffer
  • 06. Don’t Let It Go Wrong
  • 07. Why Can’t I
  • 08. Damn Happy Man
  • 09. Comedown
  • 10. Ghost Town Gates
  • 11. House On Fire
  • 12. Kein Weg Zu Weit (Unplugged) feat. Joachim Witt (Unplugged)
  • 13. Alter Mann
  • 14. Can’t Get You Out Of My Head
  • 15. In My Darkest Hours
  • 16. Feuer
  • 17. Boatman (Unplugged) feat. VNV Nation (Unplugged)

2017 – Together Till The End (3CD)


  • 01 The Banks Of Eden
  • 02 Together Till The End
  • 03 Boatman (feat. Ronan Harris)
  • 04 Out In The Fields
  • 05 The Tide
  • 06 Children Of The Dark (feat. Tilo Wolff, Joachim Witt & Chris Harms)
  • 07 Forever And A Day
  • 08 Across The Waves
  • 09 There Comes A Time (Back To Life)
  • 10 Rome Wasn’t Built In A Day
  • 11 This Is My Life
  • 12 Eden (Reprise)


  • 01 Potter’s Field (Live & unplugged feat. Ronald Zeidler)
  • 02 Across The Waves (Performed by Palast)
  • 03 Forever And A Day (Infinity RMX by Solitary Experiments)
  • 04 Children Of The Dark (Faderhead Synthwave Remix)
  • 05 Across The Waves (Takatiktok Mix by Eisfarbik)
  • 06 This Is My Life (Kondensat Remix by Blitzmaschine)
  • 07 Boatman (Originial Version)
  • 08 Children Of The Dark (Original Version)


  • 01 The Banks Of Eden
  • 02 Togehter Till The End
  • 03 Boatman
  • 04 Out In The Fields
  • 05 The Tide
  • 06 Children Of The Dark
  • 07 Forever And A Day
  • 08 Across The Waves
  • 09 There Comes A Time (Back To Life)
  • 10 Rome Wasn’t Built In A Day
  • 11 This Is My Life

2018 – Welcome To Hell [2CD Deluxe Edition]


  • 01. The Heart Of The Raven
  • 02. Welcome To Hell
  • 03. Long Live Death
  • 04. Risk It All
  • 05. Flies
  • 06. Under A Coal Black Sun
  • 07. A Vagabond’s Life (Feat. Eric Fish)
  • 08. Funeral Song
  • 09. Reign Of Rats
  • 10. Unconditionally
  • 11. When The Raven Dies Tonight


  • 01. The Heart Of The Raven (Classic Version)
  • 02. Welcome To Hell (Classic Version)
  • 03. Long Live Death (Classic Version)
  • 04. Risk It All (Classic Version)
  • 05. Flies (Classic Version)
  • 06. Under A Coal Black Sun (Classic Version)
  • 07. A Vagabond’s Life (Feat. Eric Fish) (Classic Version)
  • 08. Funeral Song (Classic Version)
  • 09. Reign Of Rats (Classic Version)
  • 10. When The Raven Dies Tonight (Classic Version)

2020 – Melodies in Black

  • 01 – Life Hates You (Black Version)
  • 02 – In the End
  • 03 – Time to Go
  • 04 – A Love That Never Dies
  • 05 – In My Darkest Hours
  • 06 – Just Because I Love You (Black Version)
  • 07 – My Songs Wear Black
  • 08 – Risk It All (Symphonic Version)
  • 09 – When All My Cards Are Played
  • 10 – The Tide
  • 11 – Nimmermehr
  • 12 – Teach Me to Love
  • 13 – Warriors
  • 14 – Potter’s Field
  • 15 – Kein Weg zu weit (Unplugged) (feat. Joachim Witt)
  • 16 – A Vagabond’s Life (feat. Eric Fish)
  • 17 – Scared
  • 18 – Nemesis
  • 19 – Trail of Thorns
  • 20 – Unconditionally
  • 21 – Alles was bleibt
  • 22 – The Heart of the Raven
  • 23 – An klaren Tagen (Black Version)
  • 24 – If I Fail
  • 25 – Ghost Town Gates
  • 26 – A Better Way to Die
  • 27 – Twice in Life (Acoustic Version)
  • 28 – 118
  • 29 – The Best of You (Piano Version)
  • 30 – Superman
  • 31 – When Love’s Gone
  • 32 – Never Say Die
  • 33 – Pain Machine (Piano Version)
  • 34 – Study Butte

2020 – The Book of Fire

  • 01 – The Book of Fire
  • 02 – Louder Than Hell
  • 03 – Warriors
  • 04 – Shining Light
  • 05 – Where the Raven Flies
  • 06 – The Last Crusade
  • 07 – Death or Life
  • 08 – Nemesis
  • 09 – Right for the Devil
  • 10 – Run for Your Life
  • 11 – The Gods of Love
  • 12 – What Have We Done
  • 13 – The Book of Fire (Single Version)
  • 14 – The Book of Fire (Instrumental)
  • 15 – Louder Than Hell (Instrumental)
  • 16 – Warriors (Instrumental)
  • 17 – Shining Light (Instrumental)
  • 18 – Where the Raven Flies (Instrumental)
  • 19 – The Last Crusade (Instrumental)
  • 20 – Death or Life (Instrumental)
  • 21 – Nemesis (Instrumental)
  • 22 – Right for the Devil (Instrumental)
  • 23 – Run for Your Life (Instrumental)
  • 24 – The Gods of Love (Instrumental)
  • 25 – What Have We Done (Instrumental)

2020 – The Book Of Fire (Die Geschichte einer Hexe)

  • 01 – Kapitel 1 – Was haben wir getan
  • 02 – Kapitel 2 – Die Götter der Liebe
  • 03 – Kapitel 3 – Renne um dein Leben
  • 04 – Kapitel 4 – Richtig für den Teufel
  • 05 – Kapitel 5 – Nemesis
  • 06 – Kapitel 6 – Tod oder Leben
  • 07 – Kapitel 7 – Der letzte Kreuzzug
  • 08 – Kapitel 8 – Wo der Rabe fliegt
  • 09 – Kapitel 9 – Lichtgestalt
  • 10 – Kapitel 10 – Kriegerinnen
  • 11 – Kapitel 11 – Lauter als die Hölle
  • 12 – Kapitel 12 – Das Buch des Feuers

2021 – The Book of Fire (Platinum Edition)

  • 01 – The Book of Fire
  • 02 – Louder Than Hell
  • 03 – Warriors
  • 04 – Shining Light (feat. Tilo Wolff)
  • 05 – Where the Raven Flies
  • 06 – The Last Crusade
  • 07 – Death or Life
  • 08 – Nemesis (Single Edit)
  • 09 – Right for the Devil (feat. Tanzwut)
  • 10 – Run for Your Life (Single Edit)
  • 11 – The Gods of Love
  • 12 – What Have We Done
  • 13 – We Are the Raven (Live at Wasserschloss Klaffenbach)
  • 14 – The Last Crusade (Live at Wasserschloss Klaffenbach)
  • 15 – Funeral Song (Live at Wasserschloss Klaffenbach)
  • 16 – The Book of Fire (Live at Wasserschloss Klaffenbach)
  • 17 – Right for the Devil (Live at Wasserschloss Klaffenbach) (feat. Storm Seeker)
  • 18 – Boatman (Live at Wasserschloss Klaffenbach)
  • 19 – The Banks of Eden (Live at Wasserschloss Klaffenbach)
  • 20 – An Klaren Tagen (Live At Wasserschloss Klaffenbach)
  • 21 – When the Raven Dies Tonight (Live at Wasserschloss Klaffenbach)
  • 22 – Welcome to Hell (Live at Wasserschloss Klaffenbach)
  • 23 – Children of the Dark (Live at Wasserschloss Klaffenbach)
  • 24 – The Book of Fire (Piano Version)
  • 25 – Louder Than Hell (Piano Version)
  • 26 – Warriors (Piano Version)
  • 27 – Shining Light (Piano Version)
  • 28 – Where the Raven Flies (Piano Version)
  • 29 – The Last Crusade (Piano Version)
  • 30 – Death or Life (Piano Version)
  • 31 – Nemesis (Piano Version)
  • 32 – Right for the Devil (Piano Version)
  • 33 – Run For Your Life (Piano Version)
  • 34 – The Gods of Love (Piano Version)
  • 35 – What Have We Done (Piano Version)

2023 – Ravenblack

  • 01. At the End of the Rainbow
  • 02. Empire
  • 03. Princess of the Night
  • 04. Angels Never Die (feat. Sanz)
  • 05. Heartbeat of the Dead
  • 06. Ravenblack
  • 07. Lieb Mich
  • 08. Never Alone
  • 09. After Dark (feat. Storm Seeker)
  • 10. Day of Reckoning
  • 11. Wiedersehen Woanders
  • 12. At the End of the Rainbow (Instrumental)
  • 13. Empire (Instrumental)
  • 14. Princess of the Night (Instrumental)
  • 15. Angels Never Die (Instrumental)
  • 16. Heartbeat of the Dead (Instrumental)
  • 17. Ravenblack (Instrumental)
  • 18. Lieb Mich (Instrumental)
  • 19. Never Alone (Instrumental)
  • 20. After Dark (Instrumental)
  • 21. Day of Reckoning (Instrumental)
  • 22. Wiedersehen Woanders (Instrumental)


2010 – Comedown [EP]

  • 01. Comedown
  • 02. In My Darkest Hours
  • 03. Why Can’t I
  • 04. If I Fail (Servantes remix by Heimataerde)
  • 05. Trail Of Thorns (Agra-remix)
  • 06. Two Sinners (remix by Combichrist)

2012 – After The War [EP]

  • 01 – After the War
  • 02 – The Promise
  • 03 – No More Fear
  • 04 – After the War (Extended Version)

2012 – Revenge

  • 01. Revenge
  • 02. Tired of the Day
  • 03. Forgiven (Live in Frankfurt 2011)
  • 04. Revenge (Live in Frankfurt 2011)
  • 05. Voices of Doom (Live in Frankfurt 2011)
  • 06. Revenge (Degradation Mix)
  • 07. Revenge (Afterglow Version)

2013 – MMXII [EP]

  • 01. Voices Of Doom (Live)
  • 02. Arabia
  • 03. Beggars And Kings
  • 04. When Love’s Gone (Backstage, Live And Unplugged 2012)

2013 – Twice In Life (EP)

  • 01 – Twice In Life
  • 02 – Seligkeit (Acoustic)
  • 03 – My Deal With God (Acoustic)
  • 04 – Grown (Acoustic)
  • 05 – Gothic Queen (Acoustic)
  • 06 – Kein Weg zu weit (unplugged)

2015 – An Klaren Tagen

  • 01. An klaren Tagen (Piano Version)
  • 02. Chasing Cars
  • 03. Damn Happy Man
  • 04. Feuer
  • 05. An klaren Tagen


2013 – Nimmermehr (Tour Edition)

  • 01. Heile, Heile Segen
  • 02. Seligkeit
  • 03. My Deal With God
  • 04. Kein Weg Zu Weit
  • 05. Euthanasia
  • 06. Alles Was Bleibt
  • 07. The Clock Ticks On
  • 08. A Better Way To Die
  • 09. Herzschlag
  • 10. Days Like This
  • 11. Ich Teile Dich Nicht
  • 12. Nimmermehr
  • 13. Viva Hades
  • 14. Seligkeit
  • 15. The Last Waltz
  • 16. Avalon
  • 17. In My Darkest Hours

2016 – Mono Inc.Live

  • 01. Arabia
  • 02. This Is The Day
  • 03. Temple Of The Torn
  • 04. Never-Ending Love Song
  • 05. Kein Weg Zu Weit
  • 06. Heile, Heile Segen
  • 07. My Sick Mind TV
  • 08. It Never Rains
  • 09. Symphony Of Pain
  • 10. Gothic Queen
  • 11. Chasing Cars
  • 12. An Klaren Tagen (Piano Version)
  • 13. In My Heart
  • 14. Drum Battle 1
  • 15. Drum Battle 2
  • 16. Forgiven
  • 17. Revenge
  • 18. After The War
  • 19. Mondschein
  • 20. Get Some Sleep
  • 21. Tag X
  • 22. Voices Of Doom

2018 – Live In Berlin

  • 01. Together Till The End
  • 02. The Banks Of Eden
  • 03. Arabia
  • 04. This Is A Day
  • 05. Never-Ending Love Song
  • 06. Across The Waves
  • 07. Boatman
  • 08. Forgiven
  • 09. Potter’s Field (feat. MajorVoice)
  • 10. Wonderful Life (feat. MajorVoice)
  • 11. Symphony Of Pain
  • 12. Gothic Queen
  • 13. After The War
  • 14. Children Of The Dark
  • 15. Kein Weg Zu Weit (feat. Joachim Witt)
  • 16. Voices Of Doom
  • 17. Get Some Sleep

2019 – Symphonic Live

  • 01 – Welcome to Hell (Symphonic Live)
  • 02 – Kein Weg zu Weit (Symphonic Live)
  • 03 – Long Live Death (Symphonic Live)
  • 04 – If I Fail (Symphonic Live)
  • 05 – Time to Go (Symphonic Live)
  • 06 – Risk It All (Symphonic Live)
  • 07 – Get Some Sleep (Symphonic Live)
  • 08 – Symphony of Pain (Symphonic Live)
  • 09 – Funeral Song (Symphonic Live)
  • 10 – Gothic Queen (Symphonic Live)
  • 11 – In My Darkest Hours (Symphonic Live)
  • 12 – Boatman (Symphonic Live)
  • 13 – Forgiven (Symphonic Live)
  • 14 – In My Heart (Symphonic Live)
  • 15 – Arabia (Symphonic Live)
  • 16 – Voices of Doom (Symphonic Live)
  • 17 – Children of the Dark (Symphonic Live)
  • 18 – Under a Coal Black Sun (Symphonic Live)

2023 – Mono Inc. (Live in Hamburg)

  • 01 – Louder Than Hell (Live in Hamburg)
  • 02 – The Book of Fire (Live in Hamburg)
  • 03 – Funeral Song (Live in Hamburg)
  • 04 – Symphony of Pain (Live in Hamburg)
  • 05 – Gothic Queen (Live in Hamburg)
  • 06 – Right for the Devil (Live in Hamburg)
  • 07 – The Banks of Eden (Live in Hamburg)
  • 08 – Boatman (Live in Hamburg)
  • 09 – Arabia (Live in Hamburg)
  • 10 – Where the Raven Flies (Live in Hamburg)
  • 11 – An klaren Tagen (Live in Hamburg)
  • 12 – Drum Battle (Live in Hamburg)
  • 13 – Get Some Sleep (Live in Hamburg)
  • 14 – After the War (Live in Hamburg)
  • 15 – Welcome to Hell (Live in Hamburg)
  • 16 – Voices of Doom (Live in Hamburg)
  • 17 – Kein Weg zu weit (Live in Hamburg)
  • 18 – Children of the Dark (Live in Hamburg)


2009 – Voices Of Doom (Maxi Single)

  • 01 – Voices Of Doom
  • 02 – Comedown
  • 03 – Pain (Rimshot remix)

2012 – Wave No Flag

  • 01. Wave No Flag (Radio Edit)
  • 02. From the Ashes (Single Edit)

2013 – Kein Weg Zu Weit [ft. Joachim Witt]

  • 01. Kein Weg Zu Weit (Radio Edit)
  • 02. Kein Weg Zu Weit (Unplugged)

2015 – Heiland

  • 01. Heiland (Sonic Seducer Version)
  • 02. Alter Mann

2015 – Never-Ending Love Song

  • 01. Never-Ending Love Song
  • 02. Never-Ending Love Song (Desert Rose Mix)

2015 – Tag X

  • 01. Tag X (Radio Version)
  • 02. Tag X (Acoustic Radio Version)
  • 03. Tag X

2017 – Boatman (Single) [ft. VNV Nation]

  • 01 mono inc and vnv nation-boatman (single edit)
  • 02 mono inc and vnv nation-boatman (album edit)
  • 03 mono inc and vnv nation-boatman (unplugged version)
  • 04 mono inc and vnv nation-boatman (piano version)

2020 – Right for the Devil (Single Edit)

  • 01 – Right for the Devil (Single Edit) (feat. Tanzwut)

2021 – Children of the Dark

  • 01 – Children of the Dark (2021)
  • 02 – Children of the Dark (Live at Wacken)
  • 03 – Children Of The Dark (Instrumental)
  • 04 – Children of the Dark (Piano Version)

2023 – Ravenblack (Fan Edit)

  • 01 – Ravenblack (Fan Edit)
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文章标题:德国哥特摇滚乐队Mono Inc2004-2023年发行专辑、现场辑、EP、单曲合集[无损FLAC/16.50GB]百度云盘打包下载



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中国大陆嘻哈男歌手Jony J2011-2023年发行专辑、单曲合集[无损FLAC/2.09GB]百度云盘打包下载

2024-5-20 13:54:56



2024-5-20 14:15:44

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