- 音乐专辑:Kaki King(卡基·金)歌曲合集
- 演唱艺人:Kaki King(卡基·金)
- 来自地区:美国
- 音乐风格:另类/独立音乐
- 音乐语言:英语
- 发行时间:2003-2021
- 歌曲格式:无损FLAC
- 文件大小:5.20GB
本资源为美国吉他女神Kaki King(卡基·金)2003-2021年发行专辑、单曲合集[无损FLAC/5.20GB]百度云盘打包下载,所有专辑作压缩包处理,需要全部下载后解压欣赏。
Kaki King,本名Katherine Elizabeth King,1979年8月24日出生于美国,是一位杰出的吉他手和作曲家。她以打击感强烈和融合爵士风格的旋律、充满活力的现场表演、多种调弦方式的运用及她在各种音乐流派中的多样表现而闻名。
Kaki King是家中的长女,从小就展现出非凡的音乐天赋。她的父亲早早注意到她的音乐才能,并鼓励她学习音乐。她四岁时便开始接触吉他,但几岁后转向了鼓,并在青少年时期主要以鼓作为她的乐器。
高中毕业于亚特兰大的Westminster Schools后,King和好友Morgan Jahnig一同进入纽约大学。在大学期间,她重新拾起吉他,回归童年时钟爱的指弹技巧,并跟随吉他教授Bill Rayner学习。此后,她在纽约市的地铁站进行街头演出,积累了丰富的现场演出经验。
2006年2月,《滚石》杂志发布了“新吉他之神”的名单,Kaki King是唯一入选的女性艺术家,也是最年轻的入选者。这一荣誉标志着她职业生涯的重要转折点。King的职业生涯包括六张LP专辑和两张EP专辑,她还为多部电视和电影配乐,与Eddie Vedder和Michael Brook共同为Sean Penn的电影《荒野生存》制作了原声音乐,并获得金球奖最佳原创配乐提名。
King的音乐风格融合了打击乐和爵士元素,尤其擅长使用指弹、拍弦和低音技术,将吉他作为打击乐器来创造丰富的声音层次和循环。她的演奏风格常被拿来与Michael Hedges和Preston Reed相提并论,其中Reed对她的影响尤为显著。King使用Elixir Strings品牌的琴弦,特别是她的定制Ovation Adamas吉他上的Acoustic Light Guitar Strings,并且是该品牌的签约艺术家。
2005年,Kaki King结束了她的《Legs to Make Us Longer》巡演后,决定转变音乐方向,不再仅限于独奏演奏家。她与索尼/史诗唱片公司友好分手,回到原来的唱片公司Velour,开始制作第三张专辑《…Until We Felt Red》。这张专辑于2006年8月8日发行,由Tortoise乐队的John McEntire担任制作。专辑中电吉他和效果器的突出使用,使音乐网站The A.V. Club称之为“后摇滚的改造”。
2007年初,Dave Grohl邀请King参与Foo Fighters即将发行的专辑《Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace》中的一首曲目《Ballad of the Beaconsfield Miners》。King欣然接受并在专辑中被列为吉他手。同年11月18日,她在伦敦O2竞技场与Dave Grohl同台演出该曲目,Grohl对她的表现给予了高度评价。
Kaki King作为一名多才多艺的吉他演奏家和作曲家,以其独特的音乐风格和卓越的演奏技巧,在国际音乐界占据了一席之地。她的音乐不仅富有创意,还充满了情感和技术的融合。未来,King将继续在音乐的道路上探索,不断推陈出新,为听众带来更多精彩的作品。她的音乐之旅远未结束,期待她在未来带来更多令人惊叹的音乐体验。
2003 – Everybody Loves You
- 01. Kewpie Station
- 02. Steamed Little Juicy Bun
- 03. Carmine Street
- 04. Night After Sidewalk
- 05. Happy as a Dead Pig in the Sunshine
- 06. The Exhibition
- 07. Close Your Eyes & You’ll Burst into Flame
- 08. Joi
- 09. Everybody Loves You
- 10. Fortuna
2004 – Legs to Make us Longer (Album Version)
- 01. Frame (Album Version)
- 02. Playing with Pink Noise (Album Version)
- 03. Ingots (Album Version)
- 04. Doing the Wrong Thing (Album Version)
- 05. Solipsist (Album Version)
- 06. Neanderthal (Album Version)
- 07. Can the Gwot Save Us (Album Version)
- 08. Lies (Album Version)
- 09. All the Landslides Birds Have Seen Since the Beginning of the World (Album Version)
- 10. Magazine (Album Version)
- 11. My Insect Life (Album Version)
2006 – Until We Felt Red
- 01. Yellowcake
- 02. Until We Felt Red
- 03. You Don’t Have to Be Afraid
- 04. Goby
- 05. Jessica
- 06. First Brain
- 07. I Never Said I Love You
- 08. Ahuvati
- 09. These Are the Armies of the Tyrannized
- 10. Second Brain
- 11. Soft Shoulder
- 12. The Footsteps Die out Forever
- 13. Gay Sons of Lesbian Mothers
2008 – Dreaming of Revenge
- 01. Bone Chaos in the Castle
- 02. Life Being What It Is
- 03. Sad American
- 04. Pull Me out Alive
- 05. Montreal
- 06. Open Mouth
- 07. So Much for so Little
- 08. Saving Days in a Frozen Head
- 09. Air and Kilometers
- 10. Can Anyone Who Has Heard This Music Really Be a Bad Person
- 11. 2 O’clock
2010 – Junior [E]
- 01. The Betrayer
- 02. Spit It Back in My Mouth
- 03. Everything Has an End, Even Sadness
- 04. Falling Day
- 05. The Hoopers of Hudspeth
- 06. My Nerves That Committed Suicide
- 07. Communist Friends
- 08. Hallucinations from My Poisonous German Streets
- 09. Death Head
- 10. Sloan Shore
- 11. Sunnyside
- 12. I’ve Enjoyed as Much as I Can Stand
- 13. Close to Me
2012 – Glow
- 01. Great Round Burn
- 02. Streetlight in the Egg
- 03. Bowen Island
- 04. Cargo Cult
- 05. Kelvinator, Kelvinator
- 06. Fences
- 07. No True Masterpiece Will Ever Be Complete
- 08. Holding the Severed Self
- 09. Skimming the Fractured Surface to a Place of Endless Light
- 10. King Pizel
- 11. The Fire Eater
- 12. Marche Slav
2014 – Everybody Glows – B-Sides & Rarities
- 01. Sunrise at Wildflower Hill Retirement Center
- 02. Zamzam Well
- 03. Anthem for the Earnest
- 04. Sad American (Live)
- 05. Tunnel
- 06. Goby (Live) [feat. Dan Brantigan & Matt Hankle]
- 07. Waltz for the Alone
- 08. So Much for so Little (Demo)
- 09. Close to Me
- 10. Hairs
- 11. Brazilian With Drums (feat. Dave Treut)
- 12. Old Crow and the Miner’s Daughter
- 13. L Train 1st Ave Low
- 14. Lovestoned
- 15. Zeitgeist
- 16. Meserole (feat. Dave Treut)
2015 – The Neck Is a Bridge to the Body
- 01. In the Beginning
- 02. Thoughts Are Born
- 03. Notes and Colours
- 04. Oobleck
- 05. Anthropomorph
- 06. The Surface Changes
- 07. Trying to Speak I (feat. Ethel)
- 08. Trying to Speak II (feat. Ethel)
- 09. It Runs and Breathes
- 10. Battle Is a Learning
- 11. We Did Not Make the Instrument, the Instrument Made Us
2020 – Modern Yesterdays
- 01. Default Shell
- 02. Can’t Touch This or That or You or My Face
- 03. Teek
- 04. Godchild
- 05. Rhythmic Tiny Sand Ball Patterns
- 06. Puzzle Me-You
- 07. Final State
- 08. Lorlir
- 09. Sanitized, Alone
- 10. Sei sei
- 11. Forms of Light and Death (Arr. Ú. Hansson)
- 2008-10-28 – Close To Me (Perfect As Cats Version)
- 2020-05-21 – Teek
- 2020-09-18 – Forms of Light and Death
- 2020-10-09 – Can’t Touch This or That or You or My Face
- 2021-05-07 – Can’t Touch This or That or You or My Face (Arthur Moon Remix)
文章标题:美国吉他女神Kaki King(卡基·金)2003-2021年发行专辑、单曲合集[无损FLAC/5.20GB]百度云盘打包下载
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